Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels

Alexus Washington, M.Ed.

Elevating the employee experience: one brand, one strategy, and one message at a time.

Employee Engagement & Culture Initiative: Kudos Collective Community Launch

This employee engagement initiative addressed a recognition gap at PMI by launching the Kudos Collective Viva Engage channel to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of both full-time employees and contractors. This initiative was crucial in fostering a positive culture and ensuring all team members felt valued and included. The announcement strategy was important as it leveraged effective communication to drive engagement, highlighted colleagues' accomplishments, and integrated the new channel into broader recognition campaigns, resulting in significant community participation and interaction.

Internal Announcement: Connect for Good Campaign

This company-wide announcement introduced Salesforce's "Connect for Good" initiative, which aimed to raise $1 million for local nonprofits by encouraging employees to come into Salesforce offices or attend employee events for the campaign.

The goal of this message was to reinforce the importance of community engagement and motivate employees to actively contribute to making a positive impact in their communities, aligning with Salesforce's values of giving back and strengthening connections.

Results: 143,000 employees participated, exceeding the fundraising goal by $500,000. 

Internal Email: Change Management Comms for Community 365 Program

This internal email was written for the organization's change management project, Community 365. The purpose was to introduce the multi-phase, company-wide project to employees, outline the benefits and features of this program, and lay out a concrete timeline for the completion of this transformation.

In addition to this email, I authored copy for account migration reminder emails, executive leadership video scripts, PowerPoint slides, and intranet announcements.

Executive Communications: CEO Letter to Employees

This was written on behalf of the CEO/President to formally address employees and introduce the company's vaccination campaign. At launch, only 50.1% of employees were vaccinated, which meant that about half were vaccine-hesitant or anti-vax.

My approach was to:
1. Establish the company as a community leader
2. Convey the importance of vaccination
3. Remind employees of our overarching mission and commitment to health and wellbeing
4. Express a genuine appreciation for all employees who've aligned the company's efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Results: Within 30 days, we saw a 30% increase in participation.
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels

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